Green is good! Large, plump, and juicy, Green Keitt Mangoes stay green when ripe. These delicious mangoes have buttery, soft, fiber-less yellow-orange flesh and a relatively small seed, making for an exceptional eating experience. Our Hand selected Keitt Mangos from California is large-sized mango, similar to the Haden variety. Fully green when ripe, Keitt Mangos from California turn from an orange-green to bright green as they soften and ripen. Our Keitt Mangos from California are left on the tree longer which produces a sweeter mango. The freshness of the Green Keitt Mangos from California is outstanding. Mangos contain enzymes useful for tenderizing meats and which also act as a digestive aid. Mangos may be added to salads or used in vegetable or poultry dishes, although they are exceptional when simply eaten out of hand.