Home > Plantain Banana Shopping > California Fresh Plantain banana Box
Extremely popular in Latin American countries, Plantains are also favored in West Indian and African cooking. Plantains are also starchier and lower in sugar than bananas.

Are plantains healthy for you?

Plantains are a carb-rich food and a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They also contain antioxidants that fight free radicals. With good levels of vitamin C, they can also support immune function. Likewise, their vitamin B6 content may reduce cardiovascular risk and improve mood
The taste of a plantain is always different at every stage of ripeness. Once you peeled Plantain, its thick skin reveals a creamy, yellowish flesh with a slight shade of pink.
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Extremely popular in Latin American countries, Plantains are also favored in West Indian and African cooking.

Fruit box Price: $39.99
Fruit box sale Price: $29.99
$avings: $10.00