Home > Feijoa
Exotic Fruits USA .Com bring the juiciest and flavorful natural delicacies of Feijoas. The Feijoa, or pineapple guava, is a tropical plant native to Brazil and New Zealand. It grows in subtropical zones and will suffer from frost damage. Feijoa is frequently used to make hedges and screens, because it is attractive and relatively fast growing.

The fruit is considered sub acid, with a pineapple-like flavor that has sweeter notes of strawberry and guava. Our Feijoas are packed to order the day they ship and are most juicy and flavorful when they arrive to your door and always full of freshness and ready to eat. Send beautiful gift baskets as gifts as special delivery with a personal message and are the best.
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Asian Guava Fruit White Thai Guava Fruit
Fruit box Price: $39.99
Fruit box sale Price: $29.99
$avings: $10.00
Fresh Feijoa Pineapple Guava FEIJOA 6 FRUITS
Fruit box Price: $39.99
Fruit box sale Price: $29.99
$avings: $10.00
fejola fresh fejola fejola Fruits Near me FEIJOA 12 FRUITS
Fruit box Price: $69.99
Fruit box sale Price: $59.99
$avings: $10.00